Truth #9: Pitying Satan

1:03 AM Edit This 1 Comment »
It is a truth universally acknowledged that nothing is always just as it seems or what has been taught to us.

I have begun to sympathize with Satan.  Okay, shocking I know, but I have a point that has nothing to do with the evil part and that overall I absolutely despise the whole realm of the satanic, which cannot really be condensed into a single figure, just like God is not a human being and is also many different figures to me.  Sorry, I will get to my point eventually, but all contexts must be included.

Next semester, I have signed up for Brit + American Lit: Beowulf to 1660.  This means I am going to be reading several astoundingly lengthy but brilliantly crafted epic poems that will inspire my heart and soul to dance with jubilant enthusiasm. Bring on the verbose!  I, knowing myself, must read as many as possible before school starts because the second time through I can analyze, but the first time I am so involved with the plot that nothing else can enter my comprehension.  I have begun with the one epic poem I long to read most, but for some reason continue to try and fail.  So, I have leaped headfirst and will hopefully swim all the way to the shore of John Milton's Paradise Lost.

Paradise Lost is about the fall of man, shown in ways that shed light on the "good", the "evil", and the "human" aspects of the original fall of the angels and the subsequent fall of man.  It begins with the fall of the angels from heaven, after having been defeated by the Almighty (which is how they refer to Him) and sent to hell (Chaos) as punishment.  All of the fallen angels, who were once favorites of God, are now chained to a burning lake and beside themselves with grief and disillusion.  Satan and Beelzebub are the first to gain their bearings and begin to decide how to deal with their defeat and what now must be done about the Almighty.  To cut things short, they rally up the angels and there is an image of the demons (fallen angels) with shields and swords of fire.

This is when I begin to get an aching feeling in my heart and tear up for Satan.  I often feel odd about this, but then I realize that it is befitting of me to have mercy, even to the most unforgivable, because that is what God wants us to do.  I feel so sympathetic and emotional, and--dare I admit it--believe that Satan was dealt a bad hand and is not trying to be evil (using human analogies).  John Milton gives us this:

The fallen angels have pried themselves off the fiery lake, the burning torture removed, but with hardened hearts and filled with despair.  Grasping for purpose they stand in allegiance, refusing to break their bond with one another in this place they call Chaos.  We are given their futures; they are all destined to be a pagan god, most representing money, lust or blood.  They stand and look to their leader.  They have all chosen Satan without anyone conferring.  They freely relinquish all hopes of leading to Satan due to their mutual lack of hubris.  They know exactly how each demon ranks.

This is the point in which I am impressed at the brotherhood and begin to think how misunderstood everything is.  And then comes Satan:

He stands high above his legions, taller and more ethereal than any.  He looks down and out at them and begins to speak.  Alas, he cannot.  Satan bursts into tears, gathers himself and tries to speak.  Again he bursts into tears.  And once more before he is able to give the most heart rendering speech about the acceptance of their fate to oppose God and deliver misery to the world.  He knows his plight and the plights of his brothers and even Milton says that the only thing Satan ever did wrong was oppose God.

I even get a little choked up writing about it.  Can you feel the pain, the heartbreaking agony Satan is experiencing?  The only thing Satan ever did wrong was oppose God.  He then goes on to realize that is is his destiny to act against the will of God always.  Never once do I feel like this is what he meant for himself.  Yes, he raised an army; yes, he is inherently evil.  It is that right there which makes me pity him so: he is INHERENTLY evil.  Greek mythology makes the same point.  Zeus and Hades have an intense sibling rivalry; Hades is desperately trying to outshine Zeus and consistently falling short.  I think we can all identify with that.

I think we should all sympathize with the fall.  Pity Satan a little.  I bet you that is the one thing he will hate most.  And the one thing God will be most proud of us for.

"There is, I believe, in every disposition a tendency to some particular evil--a natural defect, which not even the best education can overcome." (Chapter 11, Pride and Prejudice)

Truth #8: Let it Be

2:10 PM Edit This 1 Comment »
It is a truth universally acknowledged that it is okay to let some things go and accept the end.

I no longer believe that there are only good in the people of the world.  I believe in the bad as well.  I believe that they can cut you like a knife and rip your heart out and stamp on it, and feel good about it all the while.  I accept that I am not alone, but I am also not the only kind of person in the world. There are those who are unlike me and do not think the best of others or treat them as they would like to be treated.

This sucks, but such is life.

I also believe that I am now a stronger person for realizing this, with the help of many.

On a different note...

I will never have to compete against rhinestone crotches ever again.  I accept this, I embrace this, I love this, and I believe that my life will be the happier for it.  I can be the concert dancer, the artist, the mover that I want to be and will not have to the enter the world where I watch myself and my family feel bad about who they are and stand on the brink of selling out to win or standing strong in our convictions.  I accept that my studio taught me everything they had to offer and I accept that I am now done and will move on completely, unless, of course, they are willing to give me a job and let me impart all of the knowledge I have on the younger part of my family.  I accept that I will miss them, but I will try and see them as often as possible.

I accept that I am growing up.  And I accept that I am not particularly enjoying it.

"Every disposition of the ground was good; and she looked on the whole scene, the river, the trees scattered on its banks, and the winding of the valley, as far as she could trace it" -Jane Austen

Truth #7: Feelings

3:51 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
It is a truth universally acknowledged that what you feel is not under your control.

I need love.  I'm easily perturbed, easily scorned, easily frazzled.  And by needing love, I mean, that I need constant help to feel good about myself and feel like a valid person.  These feelings pop up quickly and without any rational cause usually.  I just know, that I cannot help what I feel.

There is a huge difference between feeling something and acting on that something.  Being irrational when your emotions get the best of you always comes back to make you feel worse, to make you feel like a slave to these feelings you cannot help.

This is a short post, but I do not feel like extrapolating much and I think it adds to not giving into your feelings.

This was more of a validation of my feelings than advice or musings for everyone.  But I think sometimes we all need a little reminder that it is okay to feel upset, it is okay not to have a reason, and it is okay to just feel badly and cry a little.

It's okay.

"Well, my comfort is, I am sure Jane will die of a broken heart, and then he will be sorry for what he has done."
Mrs. Bennet

Truth #6: Reasons

5:28 PM Edit This 2 Comments »

It is a truth universally acknowledged that sometimes you only realize the message through suffering.

As most of you know, I ended up with a mind numbing set of classes.  I will not go into detail about any of it, so as to shade my professors from any criticism, and, admittedly, it could have just been a bad semester for them.  But these classes, boy, how I have shed tears and struggled to understand why this has happened to me.  ME! A great student, an eager-to-learn student, yearning for education. 

I have hated every second of my semester.  Dance has been the only haven, and I have lost my will to learn anything else.  All I asked for was somewhat stimulating discussion, or even busy work that would let me learn on my own.  Even through all of this, I still received a letter from my community director congratulating me on being one of the top students in the university.  So basically, I’ve succeeded in learning nothing and pretending that I have.

This has all led to something I have tried to push away year after year.  I would be a good teacher.

Ugh, how I absolutely despise those words.  I’d rather swim in the ocean than be a teacher, and those who really know me understand my great fear of open water.  Why would I want to work for the school system?  Why would I want to work for a university?  Why would I want to spend more time at these places that have bothered me and hurt me so deeply?  Why would I remain where I have been most disappointed?

Why, why?  Why would God want me to teach? 

But there it is time and again.  I complain and complain but provide solutions that would help the class be useful.  I say, “Why did so-and-so make us do this when it would have been so much better if they had done that?”…  And then ‘IT’ comes: “You’d be a good teacher” or “You should be a teacher” or “Right, you’re going to be a teacher” or “So, you want to be a teacher, right?”  No! I do not!!!!  And then I need to analyze my own desires.

1.     To help people
2.     To make things better
3.     To change the world
4.     To provide a safe, loving place for people who need it
5.     To help children
6.     To help people understand the importance of intelligence and love
7.     To help people make informed decisions
8.     To lead the world from behind the scenes
9.     To do wonderful things and pass the credit onto other people
10.  To help people better understand

God has made me to be a teacher, even if that isn’t the overall intention.  Why would He make me so helpful and so good at communicating?  I really have no idea, because you would think He’d couple it with a want to be a teacher.  But I really, emphatically, do NOT want to.  I have no idea what will happen in the future, but I feel like He just keeps nudging me in that direction.  And I have no idea why I am writing this, but maybe I’m admitting that it might be The Path.

If He wants me to, then I guess I really have no choice if I live the way I want to live.  Maybe in the future The Path will be clearer.  Maybe I’ll want to be a teacher, or maybe I’ll find something that is so similar but not the same and it will suffice.  Anyway, I surrender to the possibility that I might have to do the last thing I thought I would ever want to do.  God knows all, right?

"There was certainly at this moment, in Elizabeth's mind, a more gentle sensation towards the original, that she had ever felt in the height of their acquaintance."  (Chapter 43)

Truth #5: All the Small Things

9:50 PM Edit This 1 Comment »
It is a truth universally acknowledged that sometimes you just need something little.

Sometimes you just want a text that says I love you.  Sometimes you just want a note that says today is going to be better.  Sometimes you just want the little things to drown the big things.

I love to brood.  In fact, if you asked most of those who know me very well, they will tell you that I like any actor who has a good brooding scene (i. e. Paul Dano in Little Miss Sunshine).  I love to hold it all in and I have a really hard time letting it go.  Sometimes, I just need someone to say something funny or lovely or hopeful.  I just need a little pick me up.  As Blink 182 says, "She leaves me roses by the stairs, surprises let me know she cares".

I have been trying extra hard to bring that light into others lives the past weeks, because, in all honesty, it makes me feel good too.  Every little hopeful thing you say, makes one come back to you.  That is not my intention, but it always works out that way.

God gives us so many precious, little gifts through life and we take them all for granted and forget to thank him for the simple, seemingly insignificant, parts of life.  Then one bad thing happens and we all fall to pieces.  My family has been through a lot lately, but in between the bad is a mountain of wonderful blessings.  And as my incredibly intelligent other half said, "God has a plan for us all, and sometimes these things need to happen".  It's made me put a little more effort into my relationships, because, in the end, that's all we have.

So tell someone you love them.  Tell them you care.  Tell them a funny story.

Good morning.
The sky is blue.
I love you.
I locked myself in the bathroom and had to karate kick the door open after crawling underneath. (true story sadly)

"It is your turn to say something now, Mr. Darcy. I talked about the dance, and you ought to make some kind of remark on the size of the room, or the number of couples." Chapter 18

Truth #4: Humility is Limited

12:36 AM Edit This 1 Comment »
It is a truth universally acknowledged that you are your own worst critic.

Humility is an outstanding quality, providing a sense of modesty and humbleness.  However, there is a limit.  There is a point when modesty turns to self-deprecation and humbleness into denial.  There is a point where it becomes abusive, hurtful.

Loss of pride always sounds like a nice thing, a point where you are beyond conceit and self-righteousness.  But when you have lost all pride in your abilities and your character it feels like someone has hooked your heart with a fishing line and it is ripping and pulling as it takes it away from you and you cannot grasp at it because your hands are busy tearing yourself down and your tears are not that of a phoenix and so they cannot repair you.  It feels like you are standing in quicksand and the love of your life is holding a branch out to you and you cannot muster any strength to reach for it even though your arms are muscled and toned and you are staring into their pools of hazel and drowning in sorrow because you have put them through this.

The frustration of feeling this way is overwhelming and breeds hot anger and hot angry tears that could melt the poles.  Then it becomes too much and it feels like your body is trying to shake your soul out and purge itself of this venom snaking through the veins that are pulsing.  And so you pray.  You remind yourself vehemently to be still, and then you are screaming at yourself to be still.  Be still, Just be still, Please, God, make me still. And the lack of peace grows and fills up the whole space and you no longer fit inside that space and the world crashes down on your temple and you try to hold your prayers inside your fingers.  And you look up because you hear something...

"Are you okay?" Yeah, I'm fine.  I just completely zoned out.  Is it cold in here?

"Have you no consideration for my poor nerves?" -Mrs. Bennett

Truth #3: Tenure Sucks

8:20 PM Edit This 3 Comments »
DISCLAIMER: This is not directed at any specific teacher or professor.  This is an accumulation of dissatisfaction with the education system and the lack of knowledge being passed on.  I repeat: this is not a targeting or bashing campaign.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that the education system makes my eyes, soul, heart and brain bleed profusely because of its teachers’ utter apathy.

Some people love going to school, absorbing new and interesting information and expanding the overall worldliness of your mind.  I thought that at one point as well, and then I reached geometry and freshman English and realized this description of school is wildly unfitting.  Over the course of my years in school, I have encountered many teachers who are inspiring and truly great at what they do.  And then there are an overwhelming multitude who are uninspired, careless and ruining education for all of us.  Once upon a time, I was not more intelligent than my instructors, and then I graduated and moved on to college where I feel my IQ dropping so dramatically I can feel the displacement inside my brain, because they just do not care.  Is this not supposed to be higher education?

And so my solution to the budget cut dilemma is to abolish tenure and fire the teachers who are NOT DOING THEIR JOBS! The university is floundering in debt and the professors do not seem the least bit concerned about their job or doing it well or the education of their students.  I do not even care what they teach; if the English professor cannot pass on accurate information and the dance teacher is miles better, then the former should be relieved of the duties he/she no longer cares to perform.  Maybe 25 years of teaching is obsolete when the methods are still boring and do not penetrate into the minds of the students.

Tenure is ruining the education system.  Teaching should be a competitive, risky job so the methods continue to be innovative and the professors continue to be dedicated.  Save money by firing those who are not doing their job.  Part of teaching is subjective, but qualified education administrators should be able to tell if a teacher is effective in the classroom (should being the big word there).  However, tenure is preserving teachers who have ceased to be teachers in any fashion.  Teachers should be held accountable to learn new information, understand the current systems and keep learning so they can better educate their students. 

The economy cannot afford to let people continue to not do their jobs well.  Everyone is struggling and tax dollars should not pay for old teachers who are no longer capable of performing their duties.  There is, though, something to be said for loyalty and supporting people who have spent a majority of their time putting in work in a specific place and not looking for greener pastures no matter what.  However, if the time is not well spent, if they are no longer helping students, then they should leave.  Others can do the job; hire those who still want to help the students.  Where is the desire to share the knowledge of the world?

And, for the love of all that is holy and good in the world, please do not use the dirty dirty dirty phrase of “Students should be self-directed learners.  Teachers do not need to hold their students’ hands”!!!!!  There is a significant difference between producing self-directed learners and NOT TEACHING.  Students should not be expected to learn information that is not being mentioned at all in class or in class resources.  Do not test me on what you have never said or even alluded to.

I find this solution to be most pleasing, especially in the face of the current solution.

WORST SOLUTION I HAVE EVER HEARD ABOUT EDUCATION: Okay, let us fire the fine arts teachers.

Why can we not pay teachers who care?  The children are the future!  Who is going to teach them what they need to know?  Why are we depriving the future artists of any education when the English teacher does not know the basics of their area?  I cannot think of any reason to back up the illogical idea that arts are not important.  I am also confused as to why some teachers (including collegiate professors) are being so conceited as to stay and know they can no longer care to do their jobs well.  Furthermore, how can they not notice that they are failing their students by not evaluating themselves?  Why are we not evaluating the work being done?  Screw the big picture outlook when people can be weeded, and the rest pruned accordingly!  I want to fight for GOOD education, GOOD teachers!  I grew up in 35-40 students in one classroom, but most of my teachers were phenomenal so it did not matter!

Dear educators,

I am not asking for a textbook.  I am asking you to teach me.  I am asking for an English teacher who tells me things I did not know.  I am asking for an understanding foreign language teacher who realizes that English grammar is not taught satisfactorily so they do not scoff at us when we cannot understand English grammar in Italian, Spanish or Japanese.  I am asking for a math teacher who is not just teaching because they are working on something else at the university, or who is convinced that the students will either never use it or cannot understand why their subject is confusing to some.  I am asking for a science teacher who is not only a researcher, but a real teacher who wants to teach science to others.  I am asking to learn.

I never want my teacher to say their class is a bogus requirement so they know the students do not care if they learn anything.  I never want my teacher to accuse me of being in a class because I have to be there.  I never want my teacher to tell me that if I cannot understand this one portion that he/she will not help me because I am going to be completely lost for the rest of the chapter.  I never want my teacher to be unable to admit that he/she is absolutely, dead wrong when the book they tested us on says he/she is absolutely, dead wrong.  I never want my teacher to say, “This is not going to be on the test so you do not need to write it down”.  I never want my teacher to say, “This is not going to be on the test so you do not need to study or learn it” and then give me a test only on that subject and act disgusted when I fail miserably.  I never want my teacher to insult me, period.  I never want my teacher to make me ball my fists up in anger because they have given the lecture more than three times, with the same slides, day after day, and know they have done so.  I never want my teacher to tell me my style is wrong.

I desperately, anxiously, frantically, kneeling-ly, pleadingly, hopefully, despairingly, absolutely, positively, never-been-more-certain-in-my-life-ly, need someone to care about what they teach, how they teach it, and whether or not it is getting across to the students.

I am begging you, as educators, the next time you think, “My class is not trying, none of them are understanding, and I just cannot believe how dumb they are.  I mean, not one of them cares enough to get a good grade or study at all.  I wonder why they are all failing, because the information is all here.  I mean, this is easy!” please stop being so blatantly conceited for one second, to also think, “Maybe I need to try a different approach, maybe my methods are just not getting through to them.  How can I do this better?”.  PLEASE!!!!

With hope,
An unbelievably dissatisfied student

P.S.  I am the one who studies, tries, cries over B’s because maybe I should have/could have tried harder.  I am the one who raises their hand during classes.  Do not stereotype me.  Do not even dare to think, Oh, that’s the student who doesn’t do their homework, readings or tries at all.  I was salutatorian, I graduated with a 5.06 GPA, I am highly intelligent, and you have made me cry for wanting knowledge.